Africabaie has been featured in the french famous TV show Télé Matin

On January 23 rd 2019, Laura Tenoudji has invited us on her show in which our founder, Sem Djeguede, spoke about the genesis of the project and the vision.

You can watch it again here .

Africabaie among 5 startups to follow.

The well known fashion magazine MADDYNESS has ranked Africabaie among the 5 innovative startups to follow. Among other startups there are Auto-é which is an e-learning platform to lower the price of your driving license, La Garçonnière which is an online e-shop platform for men by men, Free your Inbox an AI algorithm to clean your email box and Foxnotto facilitate the notarial acts.

Read more here


Put the entire Africa online ?

It is our ambition et Cristina Alonso of INFLUENCIA magazine talk about it. Cristina was a former journalist at Strategie and JDD. She is the author of “Alice au pays des trop vieilles” on Albin Michel.

Read about it here

Africabaie, is a community first !

My French Startup, well know french directory for promising startups, wrote about us. 

Read here

Chronic from Fatou Biramah

Africa N°1 is one of the most listened african radio worldwide. In one of her morning show, Fatou Biramah spoke about, Sem Djeguede, founder of INTERIM and Then followed by few minutes focus on by Aissata Thiam

Listen here the podcast 

Africabaie on Portail Afrique

Products sold on the marketplace are handmade with colorfull african fabrics , innovative designs with african colors

Africabaie is an online trendy marketplace  where you can sell and buy exclusively products from Africa such as dresses in ankara print, skirts in ankara fabrics, shirts, etc.

Read more here : the new african marketplace for Afro lovers buyers.

Amazon, Cdiscount, Etsy…and why not Africabaie ! Marketplaces are increasing in France and are becoming an important part of the e-commerce ecosystem growth. In fact, 21% of the e-commerce global revenues are from Marketplaces.

Read more here